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热门关键词: as  新闻  43  乐技


来源:网络整理 作者:新闻资讯网 人气: 发布时间:2021-03-17

  There are many new grads headed into the real world this time of year.


  It seems like a long time ago since my own graduation. I was recently asked for my advice to new graduates entering the workplace.


  So, here are my 20 Workplace Tips for New Grads, from a Time &Life Management perspective, of course.


  1. Get to Work on Time– Unlike school, you can’t get away with sleeping in and not showing up. It will catch up to you quickly. Being present is the first step to success and the early bird is often rewarded.


  2. Do Your Homework – Just because you are out of school doesn’t mean homework ends. There will be times that you have to work outside working hours. Find your balance, but do your work when it is required.


  3. Watch Your Reputation– You reputation in the working world will precede you, and it will follow you wherever you go. In the online hyper-connected world, this is more true than ever. Always, defend your reputation.


  4. You Have to Do the Work – Sorry, but there are no shortcuts. There is no 4-hour work week. There is no get rich quick. You have to put in the time. And yes, you have to do the work. If someone tells you otherwise, run the other direction, they are trying to sell you something.


  5. Bring Your Skills– Just because you are new to the workplace, do not be intimidated. You are bringing skills and knowledge that the workplace is hungry for. Contribute what you can and learn from others that have preceded you.


  6. Work Hard– Always give your best effort. You never know what task is critical to your future success or may open a door of opportunity. If you find yourself in a job where you can’t give your all, it’s time to move on.


  7. Build Relationships– Whether you a social butterfly or a shy individual, make sure you build strong relationships. You do this by genuinely caring and supporting others. Hard work counts, but relationships make the world go round.


  8. Be An Adventurer– Always be willing to try new things. You can sit at home or the office any day. Don’t pass up an opportunity to try a new adventure.


  9. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail – You will fail many times. Especially early in your career. That is good. If you don’t fail once in a while, you aren’t trying.


  10. Ask for Help When You Need It– Just like in school, you may need to ask for extra help. Don’t let the workplace intimidateyou from doing so.





